Journaling my journey from unhealhty living and being in a constant state of chaos to a life of healthy living with complete (well as complete as one can get) sanity.
Kansas City Chiefs - Super Bowl Champions 2020 Charlie Neibergall/Associated Press Super Bowl LIV Tonight we watched the Super Bowl at some good friends' house, ate some good food (I just stuck with a chicken nacho sauce and chips), and watched our Kansas City Chiefs bring home victory! I am proud of our Missouri teams with their wins; first the Stanley Cup with the St. Louis Blues and now the KC Chiefs with the Super Bowl. I had a busy day with grocery shopping, making dip, and then the game. It is 10:30 pm and I'm tired, but not in the amount of pain I've been in the past few weeks since my surgery. I call this a win! Meredith the Artist We got pictures this morning from Rebekah. It seems that Meredith was supposed to be napping or at least having quiet time on her bed today; however, when she went to check on Meredith she found a budding artist on her hands. The look of pride Meredith has in her picture just tugs at your heart! How can you get mad at ...
A Long Road Ahead I have so many things running through my mind that I'm not even sure where to start. I still struggle with losing weight. I spent almost a year with daily migraines--they started out of the blue and went away out of the blue. Still not sure what happened there, but I have a feeling it had something to do with the cortisone shots I was receiving in my back to help with the chronic pain I experienced there. With all of the pain over the past five years, I have not improved my eating habits--junk food became my go-to for helping me deal with the pain. I also have not been able to exercise like I want to. On December 30, 2019, I went in to have my L5-S1 fused once again (the first fusion from five years ago never completely fused). This surgery was more extensive with removing the metal cage that was not fused, placing a new device in that space, adding bone taken from my hip to help with bone growth, and replacing the screws in my back. I am almost 5 week...
I spent the day doing pretty much, ummm, yeah, nothing. I decided I would spend the day reading a book on my Kindle. I succeeded in reaching my goal. While it felt great to just relax and read all day, I realized that came with some consequences. Lying in bed all day actually hurt my back. By the end of the day, my back felt worse than it did yesterday. By the time I realized this, it was too late to hit the gym and get some exercise in on the arc trainer. And to top it off, the boys were home from camping so I wasn't going to get any quiet time to do a little yoga. I won't make this same mistake again. While I ate healthy today, I came to the realization that weekends are not good for me when it comes to drinking water. I definitely feel the effects of that as well! Drinking more water is definitely going to be a key to reaching the goal of sanity. I have felt more out of sorts today between the lack of exercise and water today. Add on top of that a nice heaping of no mone...
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