A Loss is a Gain

I not only joined the "Biggest Loser" competition at work, but I also signed up for the Sunny 104.5 Winter Meltdown. Last week was the initial weigh in. I weigh in every week at work, but will only weigh in again for the Winter Meltdown in April. I was very nervous going in to weigh this morning. It has been a rough week. I spent the majority of the week in severe pain after I caused my lower back muscles to go into spasm and inflamed that annoying bulging disc. Tuesday it became worse when I turned "just right"; I ended up not working that day due to the pain. Needless to say, any hope to work out this week was destroyed on Tuesday. I kept up with eating fresh fruits and veggies and I stayed away from soda. (Yay, me!) I really hoped that what little bit I could do would prove beneficial.

I was right, I benefited from it. I stepped on the scale and discovered I have lost 2 pounds! Now that may not seem like a lot to an average person, but for me that is a huge gain! I have struggled for years to lose a little bit of weight with no progress. Dr. Rhoads (my new chiropractor) has me on supplements to help my immune system (which actually kept me from getting sicker this week when I thought strep was setting in) and get rid of all the bad stuff in my stomack and put the good stuff back in. He swears that this will help, and it looks like it is. I am not craving sugar and sodas like I did last week and I've lost weight!

I worked out tonight with my son, and we had a great conversation about getting healthy. I am excited about the weight loss and I can't wait to get back in the gym tomorrow!


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