
Showing posts from 2012

A Rough Day

I spent the day doing pretty much, ummm, yeah, nothing. I decided I would spend the day reading a book on my Kindle. I succeeded in reaching my goal. While it felt great to just relax and read all day, I realized that came with some consequences. Lying in bed all day actually hurt my back. By the end of the day, my back felt worse than it did yesterday. By the time I realized this, it was too late to hit the gym and get some exercise in on the arc trainer. And to top it off, the boys were home from camping so I wasn't going to get any quiet time to do a little yoga. I won't make this same mistake again. While I ate healthy today, I came to the realization that weekends are not good for me when it comes to drinking water. I definitely feel the effects of that as well! Drinking more water is definitely going to be a key to reaching the goal of sanity. I have felt more out of sorts today between the lack of exercise and water today. Add on top of that a nice heaping of no mone...

Tempting foods part 2

This blog about tempting foods is fabulous! It reaffirmed what I did today with yoga and excercising at the gym. Check it out and if you haven't changed yet, I highly recommend thinking about changing your lifesty. Tempting foods part 2

Jalapeño and Lime Hummus

Jalapeño and Lime Hummus I plan to try this tonight! This looks so yummy! Thanks, Karina the Gluten-Free Goddess!

A Loss is a Gain

I not only joined the "Biggest Loser" competition at work, but I also signed up for the Sunny 104.5 Winter Meltdown. Last week was the initial weigh in. I weigh in every week at work, but will only weigh in again for the Winter Meltdown in April. I was very nervous going in to weigh this morning. It has been a rough week. I spent the majority of the week in severe pain after I caused my lower back muscles to go into spasm and inflamed that annoying bulging disc. Tuesday it became worse when I turned "just right"; I ended up not working that day due to the pain. Needless to say, any hope to work out this week was destroyed on Tuesday. I kept up with eating fresh fruits and veggies and I stayed away from soda. (Yay, me!) I really hoped that what little bit I could do would prove beneficial. I was right, I benefited from it. I stepped on the scale and discovered I have lost 2 pounds! Now that may not seem like a lot to an average person, but for me that is a huge gain...

Eating Real Foods and The Grecian Garden

As I was perusing through my Facebook updates, I came across this website that was shared with one of the gluten-free websites I subscribe to. The article I read was about eating real foods. I highly recommend reading this article! It is filled with good information and reafirms that what I am doing to change my life is a move in the right direction. Go and check it out now while you are thinking about it! You won't regret it!

Starting the Journey...again

Journey again, you ask? Why again? It seems this journey for a life with no chaos is one that I have started many times, and subsequently stopped just as many times. What makes this time different? I am finally fed up with being 41 and feeling like I am 80. So, I begin this journey again with a new starting point, and I can thank my bosses for the opportunity. One day before we left for Christmas break, they brought in a massage therapist and her co-hort who was trying to get us signed up to check out Ozark Wellness Practice. I was intrigued with what they had to say, so I ventured out last week to visit this chiropractor at Ozark Wellness, Dr. Tim. During Dr. Tim's assessment of me he asked me when was the last time I felt good, with no pain. He guessed a long time...he guessed correctly. His question made me pause, reflect and ask myself when was the last time I felt good. Honestly, I'm not sure. I know I had energy and felt good after our daughter was born in '94 but a...