A Rough Day
I spent the day doing pretty much, ummm, yeah, nothing. I decided I would spend the day reading a book on my Kindle. I succeeded in reaching my goal. While it felt great to just relax and read all day, I realized that came with some consequences. Lying in bed all day actually hurt my back. By the end of the day, my back felt worse than it did yesterday. By the time I realized this, it was too late to hit the gym and get some exercise in on the arc trainer. And to top it off, the boys were home from camping so I wasn't going to get any quiet time to do a little yoga. I won't make this same mistake again. While I ate healthy today, I came to the realization that weekends are not good for me when it comes to drinking water. I definitely feel the effects of that as well! Drinking more water is definitely going to be a key to reaching the goal of sanity. I have felt more out of sorts today between the lack of exercise and water today. Add on top of that a nice heaping of no mone...