6 Years, Really???

Has it really been six years since I started this blog? Six years of struggling off and on with my anxiety and depression, unhealthy eating and then getting back on the wagon. Well, six years later I now have a granddaughter that I must become healthy for. If not for myself, then I have to get healthy so I can live to see her accomplishments through life. So, this week, I start again.

I found my new mantra: Jump in, commit, just do it! That second word...commit..man, is that a difficult word to say. It is one that makes my heart race, shoots my anxiety up, and makes me question whether I'm doing the right thing. I didn't have this much trouble committing to marrying my husband! LOL I love my sugar and carbs, my pastas, breads, Starbucks...but I love my family more. I must commit for my family.

So, how am I going to do it this time? Keto on, baby! I started today, but faltered some because of food we had in the house. Had it not been for the sweets in the house (and Starbucks down the road) I would be right on track with carbs. Lesson learned, even when hubby says buy a small cake for his birthday, even though I know he is only saying that to make me happy, DON'T buy one! As for Starbucks? Well, I'm working on that. I have to re-train my car not to go that way. ;o) Tomorrow I plan to prep for next week by making egg cups for quick breakfasts. I just have to figure out my lunches. School lunches are carb heaven (or hell depending on how you look at it).

I will not let my own self defeat me on this. I will become healthy once again. I will become happier with who I am and what I'm doing with my life once again. I will prove it to myself because that is the only person I need to prove it to.


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