Day 2 of Keto Living

Well, not exactly Keto living. I'm not strictly keto right now, but I'm trying! I craved a shake after dinner tonight and was sooo tempted to get one when I ran back into town. NSV: I did not stop to get a shake! Instead, I made a cup of coffee when I got home and put a little whip cream in it. So the whip cream probably wasn't keto friendly, but it was better than a whole shake!

I'm not noticing any difference in energy level yet. But, I'm sure that is to come as time passes and I cut more and more sugar and wheat out of my diet. I did get more water in my system, which is always a good thing! :o)

I did hit an anxiety high this evening though. I notice that the anxiety goes up when people refuse to make a decision and there is nothing but indecision swirling around me. I found a really neat graphic on Facebook today that explains anxiety, and me, very well!

I was at the Intolerance of Uncertainty tonight. And most days, I'm struggling to pay attention and focus. My hope is that eating healthier will also help the anxiety levels decrease. We shall see as my next class starts this coming week and I'm still finishing up teaching my night classes. (And let's not forget my regular job...) Can we say "do too much???" 

Well, fellow bloggers and readers, that's all for tonight. This gal is wiped out from grading (thanks Spencer for helping!) and healing. Have a blessed evening! 


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