Sleepless Nights and NSVs

Sleepless Nights

Once again I am up at 2 am and can't get back to sleep. I'm not sure if it is because of the dogs playing and I don't have the heart to put the puppy back in the "crate" (which happens to be a bedroom) all by herself, if it is because I have so much on my mind, or if it is because of both things. I'm beginning to think it is a little bit of both. I know these sleepless nights is not good for my health. I need to get more than 4 - 6 hours of the sleep that I'm getting each night. (I'm averaging 4.5 to 5 hours.)

I always have told myself to look for the silver lining around the problems that I'm facing. The silver lining around this problem of not being able to sleep is I am able to get some doctoral work done. Tonight, I found several research articles and printed them off. I also downloaded some documents to help me organize my articles and my time so I complete assignments on time. I do believe I belong in the Procrastinators Anonymous Group.


I love NSVs! What are they you might ask? They are non-scale victories. They are the victories we accomplish that aren't seen on the scale. I have realized over the years that the scale doesn't tell the whole story. How my clothes fit and the food choices I make on a daily basis are victories in themselves. So, what have been my NSVs lately? I have chosen water over soda, cut back on my carbs and sugar (cake and icing doesn't sound nearly as yummy as it used to!), and I'm choosing to eat more vegetables--just not every day, but I'm working on that. 😉 

Now, for the really exciting news! I went to the doctor today for reasons other than my weight. For the past two months my weight has varied by tenths. I have literally stayed the same weight at different offices, different scales. The only difference was the number after the decimal point. Today, though, the weight was different. 

I saw the doctor at about the same time I have been to all of my other appointments, after school hours. So, I know the weight is fairly accurate. I stepped on the scale dreading to see the same number yet again. But, I didn't. The number changed. I am down 4 pounds from last week!! I am beyond excited! My choices are finally starting to work.

It is nice to finally see results from the decisions I am making in my life. It makes me want to continue. I don't feel defeated all the time. I realize 4 pounds is not much, but it is a start. After months of the same weight, literally, it was exciting to see that it changed for the better. For once I can say to myself "You got this!" and truly believe it! 😀 And if I can begin to make these changes and start to lose weight, so can you! I believe in you! 


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