
Showing posts from October, 2018

Sleepless Nights and NSVs

Sleepless Nights Once again I am up at 2 am and can't get back to sleep. I'm not sure if it is because of the dogs playing and I don't have the heart to put the puppy back in the "crate" (which happens to be a bedroom) all by herself, if it is because I have so much on my mind, or if it is because of both things. I'm beginning to think it is a little bit of both. I know these sleepless nights is not good for my health. I need to get more than 4 - 6 hours of the sleep that I'm getting each night. (I'm averaging 4.5 to 5 hours.) I always have told myself to look for the silver lining around the problems that I'm facing. The silver lining around this problem of not being able to sleep is I am able to get some doctoral work done. Tonight, I found several research articles and printed them off. I also downloaded some documents to help me organize my articles and my time so I complete assignments on time. I do believe I belong in the Procrastinators ...

Day 2 of Keto Living

Well, not exactly Keto living. I'm not strictly keto right now, but I'm trying! I craved a shake after dinner tonight and was sooo tempted to get one when I ran back into town. NSV: I did not stop to get a shake! Instead, I made a cup of coffee when I got home and put a little whip cream in it. So the whip cream probably wasn't keto friendly, but it was better than a whole shake! I'm not noticing any difference in energy level yet. But, I'm sure that is to come as time passes and I cut more and more sugar and wheat out of my diet. I did get more water in my system, which is always a good thing! :o) I did hit an anxiety high this evening though. I notice that the anxiety goes up when people refuse to make a decision and there is nothing but indecision swirling around me. I found a really neat graphic on Facebook today that explains anxiety, and me, very well! I was at the Intolerance of Uncertainty tonight. And most days, I'm struggling to pay attentio...

6 Years, Really???

Has it really been six years since I started this blog? Six years of struggling off and on with my anxiety and depression, unhealthy eating and then getting back on the wagon. Well, six years later I now have a granddaughter that I must become healthy for. If not for myself, then I have to get healthy so I can live to see her accomplishments through life. So, this week, I start again. I found my new mantra: Jump in, commit, just do it! That second, is that a difficult word to say. It is one that makes my heart race, shoots my anxiety up, and makes me question whether I'm doing the right thing. I didn't have this much trouble committing to marrying my husband! LOL I love my sugar and carbs, my pastas, breads, Starbucks...but I love my family more. I must commit for my family. So, how am I going to do it this time? Keto on, baby! I started today, but faltered some because of food we had in the house. Had it not been for the sweets in the house (and Starbuck...